>>When I was a child, my mother asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. Without hesitation, I answered that I wanted...[Read More]
Tag Archives: Women
>>The conservative North Carolina think-tank The Pope Center recently published a report called >>The Decline of the English Department , where author Jay Schilin laments...[Read More]
>>We tell our children that they can be anything they want to when they grow up. And, while they are children, Halloween allows them the...[Read More]
>> Illness, disability, and/or pain afflict North Carolina women on an average of five days each month. That means that for two whole months a...[Read More]
>>It’s October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month – and it’s the time of year when the whole world seems to turns pink. Yogurt lids are...[Read More]
>>BY JANEEN GINGRICH There are moments in your life when you know what you’re doing will alter your path forever. For me, one of those...[Read More]
>>This Thursday is Women AdvaNCe’s third-annual >>NC Women’s Summit. This is truly one of my favorite events all year. Not only do some of our...[Read More]
>>For women of my generation, the push to pass and ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) seems almost mythical. We were just wee little ones,...[Read More]
>>My childhood best friend had a purple sparkly t-shirt that read “No way, First Lady. I want to be PRESIDENT.” Back then, we played with...[Read More]
>>This week marked >>Women’s Equality Day , the 95th anniversary of women’s right to vote. Despite nearly a century passing since then, we are still...[Read More]