Throughout this series on women’s reproductive care, we often identify women as people with biologically-female anatomy, such as a uterus, vagina, and ovaries. However, we...[Read More]
Tag Archives: reproductive health
Serena Williams’ childbirth story was a true medical ordeal – one shared by far too many Black women – an emergency C-section. If that wasn’t...[Read More]
Over the course of 35 fertile years, a woman spends at least $2,100 on tampons – and $147 in tampon taxes.
>>In October, the “little pink pill” hit the market, giving women hope that our equivalent of Viagra had arrived. Finally, a solution for the millions...[Read More]
>>I retired almost one year ago after 32 years as the CEO of my local Planned Parenthood. Over Thanksgiving, many people reached out to say...[Read More]
>>An article popped up in my Facebook feed recently — >>How Sexism Affects Women’s Health Every Day – and I couldn’t help myself. I clicked...[Read More]
>>The number of abortions performed in North Carolina is dropping – fast. In fact, the number of abortions performed in our state has dropped 26...[Read More]
>>BY JENNIFER BRICK I pulled a student into the hallway while her classmates read silently. At the beginning of the year, she had been sweet,...[Read More]
>>I only just recently stumbled upon the phrase,“reproductive justice.” And by recently, I mean in the past year. I’ve identified with being “pro-choice” almost all my...[Read More]
>>When my husband and I were deciding when to start our family, our decision had as much to do with our ages at the time...[Read More]