>>This week marked >>Women’s Equality Day , the 95th anniversary of women’s right to vote. Despite nearly a century passing since then, we are still...[Read More]
Tag Archives: equality
>>Aah… back to school time! Big yellow buses trundling down the street, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, sneakers squeaking on linoleum, and the yearly...[Read More]
>>Five years ago, I didn’t know what revenge porn was or why we needed a bill about it. Neither did >>Annmarie Chiarini — >>until she...[Read More]
>>I’m watching the woman ahead of me in line at the grocery store. She has two young children with her and a basket full of...[Read More]
When my family looked for houses, we tried to consider many different variables – school assignments, local parks, access to highways, drive time to work....[Read More]
>>I’ve been lucky to have strong female relationships most of my life: coaches who cared about more than just winning; friends who stuck with me...[Read More]
>>Have you been to a PTA meeting recently? Or have you volunteered at a food bank or animal shelter? If you have, chances are your...[Read More]
>>What do the following women have in common: A self-proclaimed clairvoyant who advocated for free love. A republican from Maine and a Republican from North...[Read More]
>>A few years ago, my husband and I went into couples therapy. Between the demands of jobs, school, and kids, we barely had enough time...[Read More]
>>An article popped up in my Facebook feed recently — >>How Sexism Affects Women’s Health Every Day – and I couldn’t help myself. I clicked...[Read More]