>>Last week, the Centers for Disease Control >>quietly changed course on a decades-old rule. Previously, people in pain who needed long-term pain killers were always...[Read More]
Tag Archives: doctors
>>In October, the “little pink pill” hit the market, giving women hope that our equivalent of Viagra had arrived. Finally, a solution for the millions...[Read More]
>> Illness, disability, and/or pain afflict North Carolina women on an average of five days each month. That means that for two whole months a...[Read More]
>>An article popped up in my Facebook feed recently — >>How Sexism Affects Women’s Health Every Day – and I couldn’t help myself. I clicked...[Read More]
>>Before I had kids, the word co-sleeping once felt like it was from a foreign tongue — one spoken only by hippie commune-dwelling mamas, or...[Read More]
>>What I am about to share with you is the saddest event of my life so far. Why I am sharing it is because it...[Read More]