Volunteer Opportunities
Without volunteers, Women AdvaNCe would not exist.
Even with the volunteers we have now, our organization is hanging on by a thread. To accomplish our goals of mapping the women’s movement in North Carolina, reviving the state Women’s Summit, creating opportunities for storytellers to share about the lived experiences of minoritized women, and building community among organizers for women’s rights, we need help now more than ever.
Please, please consider getting involved with Women AdvaNCe if you have even the slightest inkling that you want to be part of the women’s movement in North Carolina.
Do note that there are several teams to choose from and many ways to get involved. Please skim through all the opportunities before making your selection. Feel free to join more than one team!
Also, we are desperately looking for group leaders. If you feel interested in leading any of the groups/teams below, please reach out to emily@womenadvancenc.org. No amount of experience necessary. All are welcome and encouraged.
General Volunteer Email | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/admin-task-volunteer-team@gaggle.email
Join this listserv to get our bimonthly email with requests for volunteer support and ways to plug in to our work.
Fundraising Team | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/fundraising-team@gaggle.email
This team might be the most important of all. Join this team to help us create and implement our fundraising strategy. Regardless of experience, all are welcome and encouraged. All necessary skills can and will be taught to anyone interested in participating!
Fundraising tactics will include: grant writing, events, peer to peer campaigns, social media ads, email blasts, call time, benefit days/nights (restaurants donating a portion of proceeds to our cause), sponsorship requests from businesses, and major gift prospecting and requests.
Admin Task Volunteer Team | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/admin-task-volunteer-team@gaggle.email
Do you enjoy data entry? Writing thank you notes? Stuffing envelopes? Doing other random tasks that feel somewhat mindless and/or painless but knowing that you’re doing something important for the cause??? Then look no further! This team is for YOU!
Advocacy Team | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/advocacy-team@gaggle.email
If you’re pissed off and you want to focus that energy into advocating for the rights of women and families in North Carolina, then this is the group for you.
This group will manage our partnerships and deliverables for the NC Families Care Coalition, which advocates for a living wage, paid family leave, and paid sick and safe leave. It will also manage our policy agenda and advise on advocacy priorities.
Arts Team | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/arts-team@gaggle.email
Are you a visual or performing artist? A poet? Do you play in a band or do stand up comedy? If you are willing to contribute your efforts to uplift women and families in North Carolina, this is the team for you! We’re looking for folks to perform at events, contribute their art to zines or other publications, and more!
Book Club | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/wa-book-club@gaggle.email
Do you love to read? Are you interested in helping us choose our book club picks? Want to help lead a book club group? Or participate in one? Then this is the team for you!
Call Time Team | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/call-time-team@gaggle.email
Do you like talking on the phone and making connections with other folks across the state? Well, this team is for you! The call time team will be available to help us make calls for fundraising drives, volunteer outreach, event publicity, sponsorship requests, and more. We will have scripts available for our call time team for every call time session.
Community Building Team | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/wa-community-groups@gaggle.email
Do you love gathering your people? Are you excited about helping Women AdvaNCe build community in neighborhoods across NC? Then this team is for you!
This year, Women AdvaNCe will be developing a strategy for engaging minoritized and marginalized women and families in their communities. Our goal is to build community and to start focusing our organizing efforts on neighborhood levels. If you’re interested in starting a community group in your community or helping us come up with a strategy and plan for creating community groups across North Carolina, then this is the group for you.
Digital Team | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/digital-team@gaggle.email
Are you the social media wizard of the group? Do you have a knack for creating content for TikTok? Do you enjoy being creative and coming up with fun ways to engage folks in movement work online? Do you enjoy writing emails? Or managing websites?
If any of these apply to you, the digital team is for you! The digital team handles our online presence, both producing content and scheduling/posting it online.
Editors’ Collective | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/editors-collective@gaggle.email
If you are interested in contributing developmental editing, copy editing, and/or fact checking skills, this is the team for you! This is where we will send requests for editors to assign themselves to stories slated to be published on our website.
Events’ Team : Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/wa-events-team@gaggle.email
If you love a good theme party or 5k, this team is for you! We’re looking for volunteers to help us plan fundraisers, community engagement events, town halls, and more. No experience necessary! Have an idea in mind for a future event? GREAT! Join this team, and we’ll chat about it!
Mapping the Movement Team | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/mapping-the-movement-team@gaggle.email
Tl; dr: This is a team for everyone who loves coalition building, collecting information, oral history, storytelling, and digital exhibitions!
Mapping the Movement is a project of Women AdvaNCe to identify organizations advocating for marginalized and minoritized women and families across North Carolina. This team will be responsible for working with other teams across Women AdvaNCe’s network to 1) create a database and interactive map of organizations across NC that agree to be listed on our website and 2) oversee the delivery of the NC Humanities Grant, which will involve collecting 32 oral histories from women advocates across North Carolina and creating a digital exhibit.
Moderators Team | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/moderators-team@gaggle.email
Do you know how to moderate a digital crowd? Do you feel like you have a good sense of what emails are appropriate for group settings, and how to apply rules in Facebook groups? Would you like to try your hand at moderating a state wide gender equity listserv? Or what about a discord server?
If any of those apply to you, we would love your help! Tell us what you might like to moderate and how we can plug you in. We are also open to creating digital spaces you think would be worthwhile if you’re willing to moderate it!
Partnerships Team | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/partnerships-team@gaggle.email
If you enjoy connecting people with similar interests, researching organizations we can collaborate with, and reaching out new partners, then please join this team! Your role here will be to cultivate relationships with other organizations across North Carolina, represent Women AdvaNCe at coalition tables, and let us know how we can mobilize our base to support our partners across the state. This team will also be maintain an internal database of our partnerships and our last point of contact with established partners.
If you are passionate about making sure no one is left out of gender equity work, then this is the team for you. This team will be responsible for ensuring we are reaching out to all communities across North Carolina in our work, especially our constituents who are most marginalized.
Recording Crew | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/recording-crew@gaggle.email
This one is pretty simple: Don’t hate the sound of your own voice? Feel comfortable reading out loud? Join this team to record yourself reading stories published each week on our website. We’ll post these on Spotify and other platforms to make our work more accessible.
Storytellers Collective | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/storytellers-collective@gaggle.email
More than anything else, we know that stories change hearts and minds. That’s why storytellers are the heart of our advocacy work here at Women AdvaNCe. Join this collective if you would be willing to share your story with us when we put out a prompt that speaks to you.
We will put out prompts for storytellers every week through this listserv, with a link to upload responses (voice recordings or typed responses are fine). We do not expect everyone who joins this group to respond to every request, or even every other request! Just for folks to share as they are able. Thank you so, so much to every one of you in this collective.
Writers Collective | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/wa-writers-collective@gaggle.email
Calling all writers! Journalists, essayists, opinion writers, all are welcome! Regardless of your level of experience, if you are interested in writing, please join this team. All paid and unpaid opportunities to write for our website will be passed along through this email. We’re especially looking for columnists willing to contribute to a weekly gender justice news round up, highlighting the latest news around the gender equity movement in North Carolina.
2025 NC Women’s Summit in Red Springs, NC | Click here to join: https://gaggle.email/join/women-s-summit-team@gaggle.email
We are reviving the NC Women’s Summit! This has historically been an incredible opportunity for women across North Carolina to gather, connect, and learn about issues facing women and people of minoritized genders in our state. Members of this committee will help us secure sponsors, plan workshops, find ways to collaborate with partners, coordinate logistics, and sell tickets to the NC Women’s Summit set to take place in Red Springs, NC.