>>Dr. Yevonne Brannon is not one to back down from a fight. Professionally, she’s director of >>NC State’s Center for Urban Affairs and Community Services....[Read More]
Native American Issues
Articles >>Late August has become synonymous with the relieved sighs of parents sending their kids back to school. As much as we love our children and...[Read More]
>>When I first started working on state policy issues eight years ago, one of the first events I attended was a news conference for legislation...[Read More]
>>BY JENNIFER FERRIS After passing a budget that sent busloads of teachers rushing to the state capitol to protest, Governor McCrory recently attempted...[Read More]
>>In this difficult job market, many people are turning to the state’s universities and community colleges in hopes of improving their odds of finding a...[Read More]
>>The latest data from the >>Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Kids Count report documents the results of decisions made by North Carolina’s leaders to underfund schools...[Read More]
BY TAZRA MITCHELL In the aftermath of the recently adjourned session of the North Carolina General Assembly, some defenders of the newly-enacted budget and...[Read More]
>>Earlier this week, teachers from around North Carolina came to Raleigh for the final Moral Monday protest at the state legislature. They came from Asheville...[Read More]
>> BY MARY SWANN PARRY Many of us moved to North Carolina because of its Southern charm and the attributes of its economy and culture...[Read More]
>>If you have children in North Carolina public schools, you may have heard of the Common Core, which is “>>an ambitious set of goals for...[Read More]