>>My father would be described as a “man’s man.” He loves team sports, he knows his way around a car, and he loves to fish....[Read More]
Native American Issues
Articles >>The number of abortions performed in North Carolina is dropping – fast. In fact, the number of abortions performed in our state has dropped 26...[Read More]
>>BY CATHY EMRICK My kids go to “that” school. You know, the one about about which people who have never set foot inside exclaim, ““I...[Read More]
>>For >>820,000 NC children, summer means more than being hot and bored. These kids receive free or reduced lunch during the school year — and...[Read More]
>>It is 3 pm when my 11-year-old son asks me for a cell phone. He and his younger brother want to walk a half-mile loop...[Read More]
>>The news for North Carolina women has never been better — or worse. Deaths from breast cancer are down; attacks on reproductive health are up....[Read More]
>>Can you believe it’s June? School’s almost out and that means that the kids are nearly home. Day camps cost $300-$500 a week and I...[Read More]
>>I heard a story from a friend of mine who works at a middle school in Virginia. The tweens had been, ill-advisedly, sending risqué photos...[Read More]
>>BY JANET COLM When you think about the history of women working outside the home, who comes to mind? Florence Nightingale? Rosie the Riveter? Maybe...[Read More]
>>The University of North Carolina system is one of the best bargains in the country. Students get a first-class education for a fraction of the...[Read More]