>> Women AdvaNCe is excited to launch our VOTE TOGETHER 2016 pledge drive. We’re working to generate momentum for 2016 elections by asking all NC...[Read More]
Native American Issues
Articles >> I have a daughter going to kindergarten next year. And I am struggling with my conscience. Here’s the problem in a nutshell. I live...[Read More]
>>Last time you went to work, did you visit a supply room for your pens and sticky notes, or did you buy them out of...[Read More]
>>I started teaching right before a winter break twelve years ago, almost to the day. I’ve always said that if and when I left teaching,...[Read More]
>>A school district in Oklahoma recently produced and posted a >>powerful video about the state of teaching and the profound challenges that teachers face every...[Read More]
>>In November, North Carolina state employees received some unexpected swag in their employee mailboxes: a genuine North Carolina logo lapel pin. The pin serves as...[Read More]
>>In a few weeks, I will attempt to lead 80 kindergartners in a holiday craft. Go ahead, laugh. My friends certainly have. They know I’m...[Read More]
>>Some North Carolina schools are gunning to get a pass on poor academic performances. The State Board of Education is considering a change in policy that...[Read More]
>>Last week was conference time at my kids’ school, and boy did those teachers look tired. They’ve just finished the first quarter of the year,...[Read More]
>>Over the years, I’ve been involved in many battles of wills in my high school classroom. Sometimes I win, but every time I lose. That...[Read More]