Latinx Issues


Local Elections Are Tomorrow

By Kate Fellman, You Can Vote Washington’s problems begin at home. North Carolinians are frustrated by politics and that frustration often turns to apathy when it...[Read More]

Start At The Campaign Level

By Devon Roberts, Lillian’s List We spend so much of our energy dissecting our elected officials’ actions, votes, and statements, but the question often lost...[Read More]

I am a Dreamer

  By Viviana Mateo, high school student, Dreamer and member of El Pueblo, Inc. Editor’s Note: We met Viviana when she was a guest on...[Read More]

Mr. President-elect, Grow Up

I must confess, I missed Meryl Streep’s speech at last night’s Golden Globes, but the explosion of my Facebook feed prompted me to “Google-ize it”....[Read More]