If you feel the warmth of good nature, aspiration, fire, goals, love and good vibes radiating from Bennett College in Greensboro this Monday morning it...[Read More]
Latinx Issues
Articles By Dawn Blagrove, Executive Director, Carolina Justice Policy Center As recent months have unfolded, many Americans, and people of color especially have been forced to...[Read More]
By Annaleigh Mills, Common Cause NC America was founded on the democratic principles of equality, freedom and justice. However, the practice of gerrymandering –...[Read More]
By Vivian Muzyk, Compass Center for Women and Families “If Britny walked into a room, it was like the sun started shining. Her smile was...[Read More]
By Kate Fellman, You Can Vote Washington’s problems begin at home. North Carolinians are frustrated by politics and that frustration often turns to apathy when it...[Read More]
By Devon Roberts, Lillian’s List We spend so much of our energy dissecting our elected officials’ actions, votes, and statements, but the question often lost...[Read More]
Editor’s Note: We are looking forward to having Concetta Rand moderate our panel on the economy at the NC Women’s Summit on November 4th. By...[Read More]
By Viviana Mateo, high school student, Dreamer and member of El Pueblo, Inc. Editor’s Note: We met Viviana when she was a guest on...[Read More]
>>We are energized at the Women AdvaNCe offices. There’s a buzz of excitement and inspiration and it comes at just the right time. While many...[Read More]
I must confess, I missed Meryl Streep’s speech at last night’s Golden Globes, but the explosion of my Facebook feed prompted me to “Google-ize it”....[Read More]