I >>won’t lie: I’m bummed about many of the election results. If you pay attention to my posts, you’ve probably noticed that I tend to...[Read More]
Latinx Issues
Articles >>BY ASHLEY MCINTYRE Emma Watson, U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador and actress, >>delivered an impassioned speech on feminism in front of the United Nations in New York last...[Read More]
>>BY SHARON OXENDINE When I was growing up, I was not connected to my Indian heritage. I was raised by two Native American parents that...[Read More]
>>BY LENA PLAUT Every story helps chip away at the fear of being a closeted member of the LGBT community. For >>National Coming Out Day...[Read More]
>>BY ALISON KISER The last two legislative sessions have been hard on North Carolina women. I can’t recall a single issue over the past four...[Read More]
>>You might have heard that Women AdvaNCe >>threw a little shindig last week. We spent Friday hanging out with 200 of our closest friends at the...[Read More]
>>BY SIMONE MARIA Denise Watts has a story that needs to be heard. Her past, present and undoubtedly her future serve as a clear example...[Read More]
>>If you took all our conversations that happen in the office break room, in the school pickup line, and over wine with friends – I’m...[Read More]
>>It’s not often that you get a chance to get in on the ground level of a revolution. I mean, there’s no shortage of purported...[Read More]
>>Women AdvaNCe is featuring personal stories about North Carolina women leading up to our second NC Women’s Summit on September 26th, 2014. This year’s Summit...[Read More]