>>Tensions in the General Assembly between cities and rural areas are nothing new. For generations, there have been disagreements over road building, development, and power....[Read More]
Latinx Issues
Articles >>BY JENNIFER BRICK Do you know that riddle about the two doors with one leading to a prize and one to certain death? Each is...[Read More]
>>BY SARA LANG When I first started working in politics, people asked me all the time, “When are you going to run for office?” I...[Read More]
>>BY JANET COLM When I first got the invitation to join a group of women who were going to Washington, D.C. to lobby, I wanted to...[Read More]
>>BY TIFFANY FRYE I was touring a beautiful local coworking space with a friend of mine who’s a member. Since my passion is developing a...[Read More]
>>After interviewing hundreds of people over the years, and learning about everything from knee replacements to presidential politics, it’s not often I meet someone who...[Read More]
>>Last week, I was invited to speak at a master’s level social work class. They wanted me to talk about getting involved in government. When...[Read More]
>>BY LEANNE SIMON What did I do today that promoted social justice? Oof — now that’s a tough question. I didn’t promote social injustice. Did...[Read More]
>>Dear Women of the North Carolina General Assembly, The Hallmark aisle doesn’t seem to have a card for what I want to express. You work...[Read More]
>>BY TIFFANY FRYE “That’s it?” he asked. “That’s only $20,000 a year after taxes.” “I know,” I replied solemnly. “This isn’t going to be a...[Read More]