>>North Carolina, and especially the Research Triangle, is buzzing with talk of entrepreneurship, innovation, venture capital, and start-ups. Just last week, venture capitalist Jim Goetz...[Read More]
Latinx Issues
Articles >>This Thursday is Women AdvaNCe’s third-annual >>NC Women’s Summit. This is truly one of my favorite events all year. Not only do some of our...[Read More]
>>For generations, North Carolina has had a reputation as a pragmatic and progressive state – a standout in the South. Ideology largely took a backseat...[Read More]
>>I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist. I believe Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. I don’t think there were UFOs in Roswell. I even...[Read More]
>>My childhood best friend had a purple sparkly t-shirt that read “No way, First Lady. I want to be PRESIDENT.” Back then, we played with...[Read More]
>>The North Carolina legislature will set the state budget 80 days late. The budget was due July 1st, at the start of the fiscal year,...[Read More]
>>This week marked >>Women’s Equality Day , the 95th anniversary of women’s right to vote. Despite nearly a century passing since then, we are still...[Read More]
>>The first school bells on the traditional school calendar are scheduled to ring in less than a week, but administrators have no idea how much...[Read More]
>>Last month, a small group of volunteers from the Women AdvaNCe team in Charlotte helped their community face-to-face. They prepared and served dinner at the...[Read More]
>>It happens every time. Without fail, in any given election cycle, a hubbub erupts about the middle class. In years past, I largely ignored this....[Read More]