

Speaking Up for the Outsiders

>> By Jennie Bell, NC Council of Churches   Those called “outsiders” have long been the most vulnerable in any​ society​ because they are not afforded the...[Read More]

Fireworks at the Ballot Box

>> By Allison Riggs, Guest Writer On July 4, as we celebrate the founding of this country, and the democratic principles on which it is...[Read More]

Pools Are Still Segregated

>> If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the >>controversial Red Cross pool safety poster making its rounds on social media says a...[Read More]

A Fond Farewell to Kim-Marie

>> At Women AdvaNCe, we spend every day working to advance issues relevant to women in North Carolina. For the last four years, our writers...[Read More]

I taught my kids the “N word”

It started out like any dinner with my 8- and 6-year-old boys. There was the usual fussing and complaining and stalling. Desperate to talk about...[Read More]