

2016: You Can’t Make This Up

>If there’s one phrase that’s echoed in my mind as I prepared to write this piece it’s, “you can’t make this stuff up.” A man...[Read More]

Elf on the Shelf: Creepy or Cute?

>>BY MELISSA GEIL & JENNIFER FERRIS An Argument For Elf on the Shelf: Melissa’s Story I was a hardcore anti-Elf on the Shelfer. Looking down...[Read More]

Standing Up for Democracy

By Mary Swann Parry   What’s happening at our NC General Assembly this week is not democracy. The people of North Carolina were told that...[Read More]

Be All In

“Be all in.” >> Janet Mountain recently spoke to a group of businesswomen and men at the Kenan-Flager Business School at UNC-Chapel Hill, offering advice...[Read More]

A Standard Worthy of North Carolina Workers

>> By Alexandra Sirota Working families in North Carolina symbolize our state’s greatest assets—the lifeblood of local economies, the engines of productivity, the attractive force...[Read More]

Environment: What’s Next?

>>By Kelly Martin Associate Director, Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign at Sierra Club As a mother of young children, concern for the stability of the climate...[Read More]

Stop the Spread of Fake News

  >>Among other environmental concerns this year, we will also be facing a >> Velcro shortage . California’s Velcro crop has been suffering due to...[Read More]