

A Bully Time in DC

I haven’t been bullied in almost 30 years, but the memories of being made fun of as an overweight child with divorced parents in a...[Read More]

June Atkinson: Public Education in NC

Editor’s Note: We welcome Former State Superintendent of Public Instruction for North Carolina, June Atkinson, to offer this explanation of the public education system at...[Read More]

Our Reflections on the March

Women AdvaNCe had team members from Raleigh to Washington on Saturday. Rather than share just one person’s experience, we wanted to share our collective impressions...[Read More]

A Look at Your Financial Health

  >>by Leesa Childress Sluder, Earth Equity Advisors   Just like an annual physical exam, it is helpful to take a look at your financial...[Read More]

The EVOLUTION of a Tired Woman

>>“If you were arrested for being kind to yourself would there be enough evidence to convict you.’ Peter McWilliams Moving toward the end of the...[Read More]

Woman to Watch: Kim Chapman

  In the new year, many of us have set resolutions. Some of them are probably based on taking better care of our families, doing...[Read More]

This Month Put Yourself First

>>Confession time. Every year, I have basically the same resolutions. Lose weight, organize my entire house, organize my entire life and pay off any credit...[Read More]

What’s Your ReSOULution?

>>I typically don’t make New Year resolutions. I know myself and most times my resolutions don’t make it past the first or second week of...[Read More]