>>Most people meet NaVia and when they find out she’s a child with Autism they are confused. She is a child who is verbal, emotional,...[Read More]
Articles >>The dance we do around race is tantamount to doing the Tango. Those of us who desire to be respectful of people of all backgrounds...[Read More]
By Tara Romano, NC Women’s United At this past month’s Women’s Advocacy Day (WAD), approximately 200 women (and some men) from across the state came...[Read More]
>> How can women make a difference in their communities? According to Judge Wendy Hazelton, “you find what you enjoy and what puts a light...[Read More]
>> My mother used to always tell us, “If you ever got lost or separated, find a police officer and ask for help.” It...[Read More]
>> By Rain Brennan Tiller It’s the classic horror movie trope: a girl in the shower, an ominous feeling, a hidden evil that suddenly reveals...[Read More]
>> By Cassie Murphy It’s hard to imagine life before my bright eyed 5 pound 7 ounce baby boy who came into this world october...[Read More]
>>I read about the strike not long after my girls and I returned home from the Washington March. I was high on energy and motivated...[Read More]
>>My son was born in Ethiopia and I brought him home when he was eight months old. So naturally, other parents of internationally adopted children...[Read More]
>> By Melissa Geil The phones at Senator Tillis’s offices did not even pick up the day that the Betsy DeVos vote took place. The...[Read More]