This June we celebrate not only PRIDE month, but also the 50th anniversary of Stonewall. On June 28th 1969, the Stonewall Inn in Lower Manhattan,...[Read More]
Articles A little over three years ago I made one of the best decisions of my life. I decided to loc my hair. I began transitioning...[Read More]
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” This quote is often attributed to George Bernard Shaw. There is little evidence that Shaw...[Read More]
It’s not about a getting a day off work. It’s not about a cookout. There’s a deeper meaning to Memorial Day. Often confused with Veterans’...[Read More]
Oftentimes in life we become so overwhelmed with adult responsibilities, that we neglect to work through the traumas of our past. I know for me, there...[Read More]
As society seemingly becomes more divisive along racial lines, there’s one phrase that makes me cringe every time I hear it. Most of the time...[Read More]
This month I turn 38. Whoop whoop! To you, there may not be anything special about turning 38, but for me it’s another year of...[Read More]
Board Member ArticleCivic EngagementCurrent EventsEqual PayGeneralRacial Justice/EquityReproductive RightsWorking Families
I recently began a small workbook titled: “Do Disrupt: Change the status quo. Or become it.” It’s timely for us to be talking about changing...[Read More]
Mom always carried a mom-purse. It was never a super big purse, but certainly not a small purse either. As far as I know, she’s...[Read More]
My mother died when I was in my early twenties after a long painful illness. Until I became a mother at thirty-two, Mother’s Day was...[Read More]