>>Do you have a >>savings account? Could you buy a house right now? Would you be able to pay to start college next semester if you...[Read More]
Working Families
Articles >>This week as I start food shopping for Thanksgiving, I’m spending much more time reading the labels on foods. I want hormone-free, non-processed, no-high fructose...[Read More]
>>I only just recently stumbled upon the phrase,“reproductive justice.” And by recently, I mean in the past year. I’ve identified with being “pro-choice” almost all my...[Read More]
>>When my husband and I were deciding when to start our family, our decision had as much to do with our ages at the time...[Read More]
>>A recent survey shows Americans plan to spend $7.4 billion on Halloween this year. Let that sink in for a minute. Seven. Point. Four. Billion....[Read More]
>>Alicia is a part-time medical records clerk who lives just outside of Charlotte with her boyfriend and their two preschool-aged children. Ever since her hours...[Read More]
>>Have you gotten a raise in the last year? Probably not, if you’re like the majority of North Carolinians. Unfortunately for you (and most of...[Read More]
>>BY ALISON KISER The last two legislative sessions have been hard on North Carolina women. I can’t recall a single issue over the past four...[Read More]
>>BY >>GOGIRLFINANCE / HE SAID/SHE SAID Bad news, ladies: Men are saving more than women. We may be graduating from college and masters programs at...[Read More]
>>You might have heard that Women AdvaNCe >>threw a little shindig last week. We spent Friday hanging out with 200 of our closest friends at the...[Read More]