>>I’ve been lucky to have strong female relationships most of my life: coaches who cared about more than just winning; friends who stuck with me...[Read More]
All posts by Sara Lang
>>Secretive. Rushed. Lacking proper oversight or procedure: these are not qualities that one wants associated with the government or justice system-– and certainly not with...[Read More]
>>If I hear “I want” one more time this summer, I may scream. Over the last few months, I have become painfully aware of just...[Read More]
>>It’s that time of year again. The season that fills me with excitement, anticipation, and curiosity. Yet at the same time, I’m anxious, a little...[Read More]
>>An article popped up in my Facebook feed recently — >>How Sexism Affects Women’s Health Every Day – and I couldn’t help myself. I clicked...[Read More]
>>Two Wake County teens killed in head-on crash. Hertford County 19-year-old dies after losing control of vehicle on icy road. Hickory high school football player...[Read More]
>>Presidential candidate Jeb Bush is all over the news this week, for clumsy and out-of-touch comments he made about American’s needing to >>work more hours...[Read More]
>> It is hard to believe that it was 14 years ago that No Child Left Behind (NCLB) passed with great fanfare, promising to usher...[Read More]
>>The carousel never stops turning. You can’t get off. Grey’s Anatomy uses that line from Ellis Grey with some regularity, and this summer I fully...[Read More]
>>“The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems. It’s true. And these aren’t the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its...[Read More]