Why I’m Excited to Be Here This Summer

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Editor’s Note: We are so grateful to have Joy with us this summer. In just one week, she has blown us away with her talents and enthusiasm. If we have more “Joy’s” in our world, we think our world will be in good shape.

By Joy Ayioka

From a very young age, I have always been compelled to work and advocate on behalf of people who cannot do so for themselves. I always knew that I wanted to work in a field that supported and uplifted other people, especially groups that were experiencing oppression and inequality. And when I got to college, I knew that social work was the field that would get me one step closer to that goal.

When I got the chance to work with Women AdvaNCe, I was over the moon because Women AdvaNCe truly values and works to uphold the rights of not only women, but other minority groups that face injustices and discrimination. I am excited to learn and expand my knowledge on the different issues that women in North Carolina are battling and to also come up with different ways in which we can address and tackle these issues.

I am truly excited to be a part of a group of women who were able to recognize that we needed change, and came together to collectively work on ways in which that change can be implemented. The fight for women is a fight that is necessary within our society and a fight that is long overdue. I am excited to take part in this fight not only for myself, but so that women younger than me never have to experience the injustices and inequalities that we have faced.

I think that there is something very powerful about working with women and mentors who not only uplift me, but also encourage me to constantly reflect. One of my favorite quotes is “you cannot be what you do not see” and I cannot empower other women had I not seen and continue to see women that empowered me and other women around me. Working within an organization that embodies the same values as mine, promotes women issues, and constantly works to create platforms within which women can be stay informed is truly empowering


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