She is Fierce: March Awards

March She is Fierce

Editor’s Note: As we wrap up Women’s History Month, Women AdvaNCe is launching our “She is Fierce” Award Series. Each month, we’ll recognize one young woman each month for demonstrating exceptional leadership and community engagement. 

We welcome your nominations. Please email them to Each young woman will receive recognition on our website, social media channels, a certificate and a small gift. They will also be invited to our Women’s Summit in the Fall of 2017.



Hana Sato

4th Grader in Durham

“My Odyssey of the Mind* team came in second place in Division 1 and we are going to the state competition. It feels good to be recognized for hard work because girls don’t often get recognized. Odyssey of the Mind is all about teamwork. Our team has to work together to make everything successful. This is my third year doing Odyssey and I really enjoy it.”

Odyssey of the Mind is an international creative problem-solving program that engages students in their learning by allowing their knowledge and ideas to come to life in an exciting, productive environment.

>>C9DDE99A-0305-4D28-BF97-AA97C6EF8B10Kaiyah Abraham

6th Grader in Durham

The day Kaiyah walked in to my classroom I knew she was going to be a reason I’d have an incredible year as a teacher. This young lady suffers from daily seizures, sometimes 2 or 3 a day and they don’t stop her! She is an excellent student, served as Little Miss Durham, and is a lead dancer for a dance/cheer/gymnastics group called Bull City All Stars. Perhaps her most important roll is as a loving daughter and a supportive big sister.

Nominated by her teacher

>>1DAF070B-85EE-4CED-9022-AA768AB5A8A7Victoria Cooke

Victoria Cooke is an inspiration to all who have a sibling with a special need or disability. She supports her sister with Autism by raising money for her to go to camp on top of all of her activities. However, she has a few accomplishments under her belt by doing her own things while being an example of a supportive big sister.

She plays volleyball for her school as well as a Jr. Olympics club. She has attended math and science classes at UNC and Duke. She participates in chorus and dance at her school. Victoria participated in the all district Evening of Entertainment. She also volunteers with a local elementary school’s afterschool girls group helping to prepare them for middle schools.

With all of this she is almost a straight  A student and once to grow up and become a veterinarian.

Nominated by her mother.

>>Noor SandhuNoor Singh

At age 14 I was cyber stalked and physically stalked by a man that I didn’t know. It was a terrifying experience and lasted the majority of my high school career. I didn’t see any role models in the media that were fighting for the justice of victims and their families. I decided to try to turn this horrifying experience into something that could help others and fill that void. I began working with the National Stalking Center and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Former Governor Pat McCrory signed a proclamation that I helped to write that made January Stalking Awareness Month. He became the first Governor history to sign a proclamation regarding stalking. Governor Cooper also followed in signing the proclamation. Since then I have given speeches at many women and children shelters and have worked with North Carolina Legislature to try to pass a bill to make the stalking of a minor a felony on the first offense.


>>17572087_10212737789905208_1965256025_oEmma Parry

Freshman in Orange County

Emma Parry registered her first voter at the age of 10. After volunteering for President Obama’s re-election campaign in 2012, Emma earned a fellowship with the 2016 NC Coordinated Campaign at the age of 14, leading phone banks and helping volunteers engage. Emma also ran for office herself, serving on her student government in 7th and 8th grades. Now a Freshman in high school, Emma volunteers with the Orange County Democratic Party and plans to help organize Young Dems at her school.

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